Friday, July 11, 2008

A Google Map Directions plug-in, and a Linkedin search plug-in for Apple Address Book

I wonder why Apple did not provide a simple way to give the itinerary to a contact.
I wrote this plug-in in 5 minutes...
Simple, isn't it?
I also provide a plug-in for Linkedin search.

Google Map directions plugin
Source code: here
Plug-in: here

Linkedin search plugin
Source code: here
Plug-in: here

Install instructions:
Download the plug-ins and unzip them to /Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/

Using the Google Maps Directions plug-in:
Start Address Book application, select a contact, and click the address field.
You will then have a contextual menu which uses the address in your card (if any) to compute the direction to your contact.

Using the LinkedIn Search plug-in:
Start Address Book application, select a contact, and right-click the last name field.

Please feel free to use these plug-ins, and give me your feedback !


1 comment:

ferminj�vel said...

Great! Thanks. Just what I was looking for.

/magnus, stockholm, sweden