Thursday, March 6, 2008

Solving Silverlight_chainer.exe setup issues

Some of you may run into trouble while installing the Silverlight tools for Visual Studio 2008.
Here's a workaround to make things work:
  1. Run the Silverlight_chainer.exe
  2. Do not close the error window
  3. Browse your startup disk at the root level. There is a directory which name looks like a GUID. Open that directory to find a Silverlight 2.0 tools.
  4. Run the following apps (in this order)
    1. Silverlight 2.0.exe
    2. Silverlight_sdk.msi
    3. VS_SilverlightTools_Beta1_Setup.exe
    4. VS90-KB949325.msp
Normally, this should solve the problem.
Have fun!

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